Dakota Mk III KG376
437 RCAF Squadron - Arnhem Resupply - 21st September 1944
South West of Keldonk (source "Though without anger" Colin Cummings)
F/O G.P. HAGERMAN - J14437 (Captain) - Survived Baled Out
W/O J.P. DE CHAMPLAIN - R113044 (Wireless Officer) - Survived Baled Out
F/Sgt John C.H. HACKET - 1290119 (2nd Pilot) KILLED IN ACTION - Runnymede Panel 218;
F/O Michael S.R. MAHON - J87637 (Navigator) KILLED IN ACTION - Runnymede Panel 247,
L/Cpl James ADAMSON - 800 Air Despatch Coy RASC - T249802 - KILLED IN ACTION - Groesbeek Memorial of the Missing Panel 11 -
***Unconfirmed*** - It seems there was a communal report that near the house of Mr P. Biemans (address Hool No.6) three unknown allied airmen were buried. No annotation in the report on reburial. Bergen op Zoom War Cemetery has two unknown airmen buried 12.G.6. (with thanks to Henk Welting)
Dakota III KG376 [Royal Air Force Aircraft Serial and Image Database] RAFCommands.com
Take off of aircraft at 1314 from main runway of RAF Blakehill Farm
The aircraft was set upon by up to nine enemy aircraft between Eindhoven and DZ on return
[437 squadron logs mention Focke Wulf 190’s]
“Though Without Anger”, Colin Cummings & RAF serial and image database (above)
Dakota Mk III KG376, F/O G. Hagerman, No. 437 Squadron RCAF, Operation Market Garden, 21 September 1944 - Bravo Bravo Aviation